Friday, January 25, 2008

We haven't "Come along way, baby".

The other night at dinner we were giving each other riddles.  Brian asked the kids the riddle of:  "A son and a father are in a car accident.  The father dies.  The child is rushed to the hospital.  The doctor at the hospital says 'I can't operate on the boy.  He is my son.'  How can this be?"

I thought, "We live in such a progressive age.  The kids are going to answer this in a snap."  Was I ever wrong.  Here's a bit of the conversation:

10-year old:  "Actually the doctor was confused.  He was the Uncle."
Brian:  "No."
10-year old:  "It was God?  Because I am God's son?"
Brian:  "No."

This went on for awhile, with both children guessing.  Finally Brian revealed the answer that the doctor was the boy's mother.

At this point, my daughter turned to me and said:  "Mom, if she was a girl doctor, she would be called a nurse."

Honest to goodness she said that...she thought female doctors were called nurses.  I had to point out that she herself sees a female doctor and we call her "Doctor".  My oh my, I thought we had come so far.  Obviously there is still some work to be done.

Friday, January 18, 2008

My son turns 10 years old,  one week from today.  That basically means we have eight years until he is out on his own.   How does one prepare a child for the real world?  I think I will be a successful parent if  he manages to pay his electricity bill on time.  I  cannot ever imagine that happening.  Default payments or not, I sure do love him.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

This is my last entry as an "early- thirties" woman.  Tomorrow I join those of you in your "mid-thirties"...I hope it's fun.  Can I begin to drool again?

Sunday, January 13, 2008

My daughter always likes to be right and it can be quite a challenge to convince her otherwise when she is wrong.  This weekend one of her gerbils escaped and accidentally died. 

My 7-year old:  "I told Dad I thought it was dead.  He told me he thought it was sleeping.  This is one time I wish I was wrong."

She's breaking my heart...she's so sad.   

Friday, January 11, 2008

**UPDATE on our Tubing Experience***
Remember how our dog Lucy peed in the front seat of our car while we were playing in the snow??  My husband tried to remove the dirty sweat socks/melting rubber smell that her urine left behind to no avail.  We just had to pay $212.77 to have our car professionally detailed in order to remove the odor.  So much for saving money on not paying to tube.  It turned out our adventure was a costly one!

Here's a picture of the $200 per ounce urine maker.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Once we decided on our mountain adventure, we thought it would be nice to include our dog.  After playing (for free) in the parking lot, I jumped into the front seat for the ride home.  Now, just to let you know, it was cold out and I was prepared for the weather, I was wearing many layers.  Perhaps that is why it took me approximately TWO hours to realize I was sitting in DOG PEE!  Here is a picture, once I realized my lot.

We tried to go snow tubing.  Once we arrived, the line was so long that people were waiting for time sessions three hours ahead of present time.  Like I wanted to wait in that line.  My kids had a blast playing in the snow in the PARKING LOT.  Don't you love it when your kids chose the cheaper version?  My daughter said, "Playing in the snow is way better than tubing, Mom."  Chi-ching!  There goes $75 in your college account!