When we got back to the hotel, my son asked if boys could take dance lessons because "I want to improve on my moves."
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Dancin' machine.
After making a speedy recovery, my son quickly bonded with my brother's twenty-something friends.
Drive. Drive. Wedding. Drive. Drive.
Turns out mapquest was a bit off on it's prediction as to how long it would take us to drive to Wyoming. Instead of 12 hours, it was more like 15...but when you are already into the teens, what's another hour or three? While I wouldn't want to jump in the car and do it again right now, it turned out to be pretty pleasant.
Because of where we live compared to our relatives, we fly to see people, rather than road trip. Our kids haven't been on more than an three hour drive in years. I had forgotten the pleasures of summer road trips, and hadn't realized there are great things my kids have not experienced. Mirages. Cows. Field after field of bountiful crops. And my favorite, the game of "Will you stop touching me?"
The wedding was magnificent and beautiful. During the ceremony, however, I was a nervous wreck. My son, the ring-bearer, began complaining right before the ceremony that his stomach hurt. Now, most people would chalk it up to nerves. However, being his mother and knowing my kid, I could tell it wasn't nerves. He was about ready to loose it. We told him he didn't have to do it, but he decided to go ahead. Throughout the ceremony, I couldn't keep my eyes off him. He kept swallowing and rubbing his head. I pondered, if he turns and gets sick, what will he do? He's feet away from the string quartet, the front row and the bride and groom. I had bad visions of the puke scene in Stand By Me. Luckily, he made it through with out incident and actually began to feel better.
Congratulations to Peter and Holly. They make a wonderful couple. I am thrilled to have such a sweet sister-in-law. It is a bit surreal to see my baby brother with a wedding ring!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
The cruise director is taking the day off.

My kids have had a really nice summer so far...full of play-dates, trips, swimming, sleep-overs and an abundant of outdoor activities.
I have shuttled them from place to place, continued to plan meals and grocery shop, have done laundry and scraped up the dead mice caracas that the cats so nicely bring us. Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed the slower pace of summer. I love not having to rush in the morning and pack lunches and get the kids out the door. I have really enjoyed being with my kids. They have reached a fun age where we can do lots of fun things. However, I miss the "me" time I had during the school year. Times when I could meet a friend for coffee or go for a nice long walk.
I am thus declaring today MY day. The kids can make their own lunch...and perhaps their dinner. Even if that means all they have is a bowl of cereal. They will survive. They will have to entertain themselves and use their imagination.
I will go for a walk. Sit outside and read a book. Do what I want. If they complain that they are bored, I will be happy to show them the shinny machines in the mud-room. They work like magic. You put dirty clothes in them and clean clothes come out!
Monday, July 14, 2008
13 blissful years!
Today is our 13 year anniversary. 13 years. Amazing. We had a beautiful wedding, full of what you would expect.... flowers, food, cake, drinks, music, etc.... however the memory that stands out the most in my mind is that at the end of the night, Brian and I boarded the limo to take us to the hotel. And surprise, I was starving! I had hardly eaten all night....never-mind the food we painstakingly picked out, we didn't get a chance to eat it! So, when the Limo wisked us away, we made a short stop at the SUBWAY in downtown Kansas City. The clearest thought of mine of my entire wedding was when I stayed in the limo and watched Brian order in Subway. I thought "That is my husband. THAT IS MY HUSBAND!" He is ordering me a sub...and he is taking care of me.
Ever since then, whenever I have been afraid and in the doctor's office/hospital/kid's classroom/scary midnight sound/whatever....when I meet Brian's eyes, I know that we are in this together. That is more important to me than anything. That is how I know we are in this for the right reasons and that is how I know, without a doubt, that I love him.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
202.5 miles

I am so proud of my husband. Yesterday he started at 4:45 am in Seattle and by 9:00 pm he reached Portland. He has been training for months and months for this long ride. I hope he feels a great sense of accomplishment.
Now that the ride and training are over, it would be nice if he started to mow the lawn again.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
My kids fight. I think they fight way too much. However, during the times that they are getting along it is pure bliss in our house.
Two days ago we had one of those blissful days where they played together and enjoyed each other's company. Later that evening, my daughter made my son a construction paper basket and filled it with sweet notes. Here's a sampling of what she wrote:
~I love spending time with you!
~I love you and do you want to play with me later?
~I love you soo much and I love being with you.
and my favorite: I love you soooooooooo (100,000 years later) oooooooooooo(forever) oooo much!
Ahhh. Doesn't that just make your heart melt?
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