The other day, Kate and I were discussing the age-old question, "If the house was burning, and you could only grab one thing, what would it be?" She picked the blue glass bird that resides in our living room. I think the bird came from Brian's great Aunt Bert's house. Kate said the bird makes her feel peaceful and she likes how it feels in her hand.
I thought her choice was an interesting one. I would have guessed she would have picked a stuffed animal or a favorite book. (She did say she'd also want to take her money because we may need some cash and she would let us have it....PROGRESS!) Back to the bird, what I thought was so sweet about her choice, was that it wasn't just a pretty object, but it represented her home, her family, her love for us, her comfort. So much wrapped in blue glass.
A recent article in The New Yorker, talked about how smells can transport back to your childhood. The author also grew up in Kansas City and mentioned many spots that I grew up enjoying such as The Dime Store and Winstead's. Smells are powerful. I get transported to Judy's house, my childhood friend, each time I'm in the laundry detergent aisle. Her home always smelled like Cheer detergent. I can remember the upholstery smell of the big blue Buick....a mixture of air conditioning and stale cigarette smoke with a tinge of up-chucked Froot Loops. I have my old Frances books, such as Bedtime for Frances. The books are over thirty years old, but the pages still have a distinct and wonderful smell of my childhood.
In thirty years, what will transport my children? Guinea pig bedding? Mrs. Myer's cleaning products? The electronic smell of a computer screen?