Sunday, February 3, 2008

Three blind mice, see how they run....
We seem to be having a mouse problem and our cats aren't pulling their fair share around here. I told Brian that it might be time to call in an exterminator.  His response was:  "It's almost the end of mouse season.  Our problem should be clearing up soon."

So when I am scrubbing out the cabinets and re-washing everything and finding mouse droppings, at least I can take comfort in the fact that the resident mice should be moving outside soon and will no longer be free-loading off our family.

My husband is so insightful.


Wendy said...

Yeah, until next year!

My husband can't seem to decide if mice should be given a warm home (our garage) or bombed with Agent Orange (this, after we discovered a ruined sleeping bag!).

Welcome to the blogosphere, by the way!

Erin said...


Sorry to hear that you suffer form mice infestation as well. I guess that is what happens when we live in a rural area.

I enjoyed your blog. I've bookmarked it.
