Thursday, July 31, 2008

Drive. Drive. Wedding. Drive. Drive.

Turns out mapquest was a bit off on it's prediction as to how long it would take us to drive to Wyoming.  Instead of 12 hours, it was more like 15...but when you are already into the teens, what's another hour or three?  While I wouldn't want to jump in the car and do it again right now, it turned out to be pretty pleasant.

Because of where we live compared to our relatives, we fly to see people, rather than road trip. Our kids haven't been on more than an three hour drive in years.  I had forgotten the pleasures of summer road trips, and hadn't realized there are great things my kids have not experienced.  Mirages.  Cows.  Field after field of bountiful crops.  And my favorite, the game of "Will you stop touching me?"

The wedding was magnificent and beautiful.  During the ceremony, however, I was a nervous wreck.  My son, the ring-bearer, began complaining right before the ceremony that his stomach hurt.  Now, most people would chalk it up to nerves.  However, being his mother and knowing my kid, I could tell it wasn't nerves.  He was about ready to loose it.  We told him he didn't have to do it, but he decided to go ahead.  Throughout the ceremony, I couldn't keep my eyes off him.  He kept swallowing and rubbing his head.  I pondered, if he turns and gets sick, what will he do?  He's feet away from the string quartet, the front row and the bride and groom.  I had bad visions of the puke scene in Stand By Me.  Luckily, he made it through with out incident and actually began to feel better.  

Congratulations to Peter and Holly.  They make a wonderful couple.  I am thrilled to have such a sweet sister-in-law.  It is a bit surreal to see my baby brother with a wedding ring!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the photos of your BABY brother. Was there a bride at the wedding? Any good photographer knows that's what we really want to see.

Aunty S.

PS - Given your experience, I wonder how long it really would have taken us to drive from Omaha. Still, on the day of the wedding, I was very sorry not to be there.