Thursday, November 6, 2008

A sigh of relief.

I couldn't be more pleased with how the election turned out.  I thought John McCain was very gracious and Barack Obama's speech moved me to tears.  I am thrilled that my children were able to watch his speech.  What a powerful moment in history.  Of course, they were most excited about the new puppy for the White House.

I feel as if a huge weight has lifted from me.  I didn't realize how much election stress I was carrying around.  Now I feel like nesting.  I cleaned all the windows today.  I am making zucchini bread this afternoon.  I want to organize the mudroom.  All the things I've put on hold over the past few months, I can take care of....Life can resume.  We did it. 


Gberger said...

Thanks for your sweet comment, Erin. Of course I remember teaching LOGOS with you. That was such a great group, and challenging, too.
So glad to see that you have a blog. How are you doing?
I appreciate your thoughts and prayers so much. It's been a hard two years. I am doing my best, each day, to tell the truth about what is, and to accept what we've been given, with as much gratitude as I can. I am so thankful to be Katie's and David's mother.
God bless you!

Courtenay said...

love your blog! crash is one of my favorite movies too (i viewed your profile).