So what's in the cards for 2009? I am going to make myself a priority. This (long) winter break has shown me that I do too much for my kids. I don't need to be at their beck and call. In fact, and perhaps this is my way of rationalizing things, it will be good for them to see me doing my own things...carving out my own time.
A couple of years ago, my son was listing things everyone in the family enjoyed....Dad likes bikes, his sister likes horses. When he came to me he said, "Mom likes to make salad dressing."
Two days ago I was cleaning up the house for company. My son said, "Wow Mom! You're a great house cleaner. You are so good I bet you could be a maid in a hotel." He was being sincere and meant it as a compliment.
My 2009 Resolution: to find other areas in which I excel. And if that doesn't work, I can always fall back on my cleaning and salad dressing making abilities.