Sunday, December 28, 2008

Liar, liar, pants on fire.

My son is beginning to go through the "rebellion" stage and Brian and I are trying to stay on top of him.  

Yesterday, he was invited to go to the local indoor pool with a neighbor.  I gave him $5 for his admission and told him I would like the change back and to not buy any snacks.

Two hours later he returned.  I asked for my change.
Son:  "I don't have any change.  It cost $4.99 to get into the pool."
Me:  "Really?  That doesn't seem right."
Brian:  "Grab the phone.  They overcharged him.  Let's call the pool and ask for our money back."
Son:  (sheepishly)  "Well, actually it cost $3.75 but I gave Janet a dollar tip for taking me, so I have a quarter left."
Me:  "You did what? ?!!  You tipped the neighbor?"
Son:  "Yeah.  I said 'Thanks for taking me to the pool.  Here's a dollar.'"
Me:  "I think you spent it on snacks."
Son:  (charming smile)  "I love you!"

All of this prompted a big sit down talk about trust.  And now the fun begins.....Thank goodness he is still a terrible liar.  

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