Wednesday, January 14, 2009

All that for nothing.

A couple of weeks ago, my daughter tried some Broccoli Cheese soup at a restaurant and loved it. She is super-dooper pickey so the fact that it had broccoli in it and she ate it, gave me hope.

I searched and searched the internet trying to find the perfect Broccoli Cheese soup recipe.  I found one that had rave reviews, so I went for it....even though one of the main ingredients was processed cheese.

I headed to the store to gather my supplies.  I bought organic broccoli to offset the processed cheese.  I actually HID the block of Velveeta in my cart.  (I live in a small town, news travels fast.) 

I spent over an hour making a soup that finally, FINALLY, both kids would eat. I know it's full of non-nutritious ingredients but, hey, it has broccoli.

We sit down at the dinner table.  The kids take a bite.  No complaints.  They seem to like it.  I'm secretly rejoicing inside because I know I can eventually ween them off the Velveeta.  They take a second and a third bite...and then:

"Um, Mom.  It's really good.  I really like it but it makes my stomach make a gurguley sound."
"Yeah Mom, me too.  Plus it's really rich and salty."
"I'm full."
"Me too."

Why do I even bother?  I could have saved a trip to the store and an hour of my time.  Next time I get the hankering to be a good mom who makes "nutritious" meals, I am going to reread this post and pull out some cereal instead.

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