The biggest news around here has been that we found out the Brock needed glasses for reading/computer/note taking, etc. He is also "color deficient" which is basically color blind. We picked up his new glasses yesterday. I think they make him look older and very handsome.
We've been busy attending a lot of these:
(that's him in the white jersey, center court)
Brock is growing like a weed and needed some new jeans. He talked me into this shirt, which I am not crazy about. But, according to him, he needs a shirt to wear when he's ready to ask out a girl.
I tried to talk him into this sweater instead but he said it wasn't cool enough. I guess my taste has truly aged.
Speaking of aging, I celebrated my 37th birthday this weekend. Brian wins the thoughtful husband award. He made (from SCRATCH, not a box, and even bought Cake Flour) a German Chocolate Cake for me. It was three layers tall and had the most delicious frosting.
(no, the dogs didn't get into the cake, part of it fell when Brian was icing it....tasted yummy anyway!)
And in case you have thought that I've forgotten Kate, I haven't. She's currently (and yet again) going through the "I don't want my picture taken" phase. For Christmas, my brothers gave Kate a gift certificate for two pedicures. She (nicely?) decided to take me with her as my birthday treat. I question "nicely" because after asking me to go and scheduling the pedicures, she came to the realization that perhaps it wasn't quite "fair" to use part of her Christmas gift on me. She tried to barter with me saying that she'd take me, if I'd buy her a pair of earrings.
That didn't fly. I told I would cancel my half the appointment and then she could have another pedicure in a few months. She finally came to grips that what she was asking for was wrong. She definitely has some lawyer/contract negotiation/banker skills.
The other day I needed to borrow $25 from her. If I couldn't, then we would have to go out of our way to stop by the bank. I pleaded with her. She finally agreed once I signed a note stating that if I was delinquent in my repayment, I would owe her 25 cents per day.
And last but not least.....K was invited to a slumber party and didn't want to go. She finally agreed but when it came time to purchase a gift for the birthday girl, K claimed: "My presence at the party is gift enough." What? How my dear, did you get on that high pedestal of yours? And how quickly can I knock you off?
All these funny and annoying stories don't capture her true heart. She can be very generous and caring and loving (as long as borrowing money isn't involved). I have boxes of sweet letters she writes me "just because".
And lastly, I spent the afternoon making ribbon belts for me and Kate. Just a regular old Martha over here.
Aaaah - I was waiting for an update. Sounds like you have all been extremely busy. Miss you.
Those ribbon belts are RAD! Make some more and come sell them at the bazaar!! WITH Kk. I love the Kk ps. That is my nickname too.
What a great posting to your blog! Brock was right about the shirt being cooler! Kate is going to make a lot of money when she gets a job. And, I can't wait to hear your stories when she turns 16. I especially loved the requirement to sign an agreement before you could borrow her money -- honestly, that didn't come from any conversation I have had with her.
Erin those belts are seriously cute. Skylar (turns 11 soon!) would LOVE you ever sell them? Let me know if you do.
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