My Grandma Ruth would be so proud of me. I have turned my kids into "The Price is Right" junkies.
Because the show is on during school hours, they hadn't seen it much. It dawned on me that I could record the show on the dvr. Now, instead of watching "Sponge Bob" or "Drake and Josh", the show of choice is "The Price is Right".
One of my favorite childhood places was my Grandma Ruth's condo. There was always a supply of oatmeal cookies stashed in the freezer. An indoor pool. Naked pens that my brothers and I would search for in the pen pot. Quarters for the soda machine (although in Omaha it's called "Pop Machine").
On my visits she taught me how to play gin rummy. She'd take me to Marshall's and let me pick something out. We'd go to the Baker's Grocery Store's Restaurant where we'd place our order using table top phones. She'd buy me Circus Peanuts and Burnt Peanuts (two candies that I still enjoy). She'd let me stay up and watch "The Love Boat", followed by "Fantasy Island". She'd feed me chocolate cake for breakfast because "It has milk and eggs in it!" And every weekday morning, we'd watch "The Price is Right". Now when I hear the opening of the show, I feel a touch of sadness and it makes me miss my Grandma.
Usually, I watch the show with my kids. I've explained to them why often the last bid on contestant row is $1. They know my favorite games are the Cliffhanger (yodeler) and Plink-o. They have yet to see a Showcase Showdown when the winner wins both showcases.
When I'm not able to watch it with them, they often call me in to see the car or the juke box or the jet ski someone won. They love to guess how much products are. They laugh when someone's spin doesn't go all the way around.
Oh how I wish had exposed them to this when Bob Barker still hosted. And oh how I wish they could have watched it with Grandma Ruth.
How does someone "one" something? After always reading and being up to date with your blogs I have finally decided to start commenting. Holly and I really enjoy your blog!
Thanks for alerting me to the typo. So glad to have you comment! Comment more often. Hope you and Holly are doing well.
I grew up on the Price is Right.
I LOVE that show!!! I haven't seen it yet with Drew what's his last name. I love the "higher or lower" game where you guess if the products price is.....well, you know.
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