It has been raining a lot lately and the dogs hadn't been walked in two days. Late this morning, the clouds parted and the sun came out. I decided it was now or never for a walk and grabbed the leashes and we were on our way.
About half way through our walk, the sun went away and the mist began. The mist quickly turned into giant rain drops, the kind that bounce off the pavement. Streams were pouring down the hills. This wasn't what I had planned. My initial reaction was to be grumpy about more rain. I realized though it was OUT OF MY CONTROL. This was something I couldn't manipulate. I had to deal. My change of attitude made me feel a freedom that I hadn't felt in awhile. I was free to put my head up and catch rain drops on my tongue. I was free to take my time. The dogs and I were getting soaked and I didn't care. I was having fun and enjoying the refreshing shower that I hadn't planned.
By the time I made it home, my jeans had acted like a sponge and weighed 10 pounds from all of the water. The dogs were filthy. It was now time for me to start to control. I dried the dogs off and put them into their crates....if it was left to them, they would have dried off on the couch. I changed my clothes and put the wet ones in the dryer. I was back to the efficient Erin. The efficient Erin who had tasted a bit of impulsivity and liked it.
(a wet dog that wishes to dry off on the couch)
1 comment:
Very well written; entertaining, yet insightful! Sounds like something we might hear during a short meditation from Rex during church.
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