Sunday, October 18, 2009

'tis the season of flu....

We were at a party last night and this cracked me up. Subtle, eh? Although I did use a squirt, I had to ask, is this a glimpse of our future?


Kate said...

How clever! What happens when you take extra dives because of the numminess of candy and end up with alcohol poisoning from the antibacterial stuff? Yup....opened up a whole new can of worms eh?
Candy worms.

Gberger said...

It's b een so long since I've caught up with you - I love the new look on your blog!
I "get" this photo - I thought about doing something similar for the Tennis Team Banquet last night! (But I refrained. We have a container of it on our hall table, though - it started because of being on the cancer ward. Then, days of power outages and flu warnings have encouraged me to just keep them all over the house. OCD? Ya sure, ya betcha!
And I love your postings on r.e.s.p.e.c.t. We need more of it (and kindness and courtesy) in this world! Thanks for sharing your good thoughts here.