Friday, January 11, 2008

**UPDATE on our Tubing Experience***
Remember how our dog Lucy peed in the front seat of our car while we were playing in the snow??  My husband tried to remove the dirty sweat socks/melting rubber smell that her urine left behind to no avail.  We just had to pay $212.77 to have our car professionally detailed in order to remove the odor.  So much for saving money on not paying to tube.  It turned out our adventure was a costly one!

Here's a picture of the $200 per ounce urine maker.


The Flying Tank said...

Looks like a nice pup, though.

whatever said...

That is one cute pee machine.

whatever said...

Now that I look at your photo and Lucie's, I think you should be her for Halloween. Put a little black nose and a few spots, and you're ready to go. It would be adorable. Then you can go around peeing.

Still Waiting said...

Poor Lucy. It was probably your fault.
Hee Hee
The Leibskers (We'll always take the dog's side).