Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy 2009~

One year ago, I made the New Year's Resolution to begin writing more.  I began this blog with the hopes that it would keep me motivated to write.  In one year, I published almost 70 posts.  Not bad, but not great either.  However, it has sparked my interest in writing and I'm now looking into taking a creative writing course.

So what's in the cards for 2009?  I am going to make myself a priority.  This (long) winter break has shown me that I do too much for my kids.  I don't need to be at their beck and call.  In fact, and perhaps this is my way of rationalizing things, it will be good for them to see me doing my own things...carving out my own time.  

A couple of years ago, my son was listing things everyone in the family enjoyed....Dad likes bikes, his sister likes horses.   When he came to me he said, "Mom likes to make salad dressing."   

Two days ago I was cleaning up the house for company.  My son said, "Wow Mom!  You're a great house cleaner.  You are so good I bet you could be a maid in a hotel."  He was being sincere and meant it as a compliment.

My 2009 Resolution:  to find other areas in which I excel.  And if that doesn't work, I can always fall back on my cleaning and salad dressing making abilities.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Liar, liar, pants on fire.

My son is beginning to go through the "rebellion" stage and Brian and I are trying to stay on top of him.  

Yesterday, he was invited to go to the local indoor pool with a neighbor.  I gave him $5 for his admission and told him I would like the change back and to not buy any snacks.

Two hours later he returned.  I asked for my change.
Son:  "I don't have any change.  It cost $4.99 to get into the pool."
Me:  "Really?  That doesn't seem right."
Brian:  "Grab the phone.  They overcharged him.  Let's call the pool and ask for our money back."
Son:  (sheepishly)  "Well, actually it cost $3.75 but I gave Janet a dollar tip for taking me, so I have a quarter left."
Me:  "You did what? ?!!  You tipped the neighbor?"
Son:  "Yeah.  I said 'Thanks for taking me to the pool.  Here's a dollar.'"
Me:  "I think you spent it on snacks."
Son:  (charming smile)  "I love you!"

All of this prompted a big sit down talk about trust.  And now the fun begins.....Thank goodness he is still a terrible liar.  

Saturday, December 27, 2008

The After Christmas Blues

Tree needles everywhere.   Scraps of wrapping paper underneath the furniture.  Decorations that were so festive two days ago seem old and tired.  Gifts with no home, currently residing on the stairs.  What to do with the remaining 24 candy canes?  Dreading taking down the tree.  The snow that was so magical, now is sloppy and dirty.

I've got the Holiday Blues....

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Holy Cow!

I'm sure I have done something illegal posting these pictures from The Seattle Times, but I wanted to show you how the weather has reeked havoc around the Seattle area.

Can you imagine being on the bus?  Can you imagine driving on the freeway and seeing a bus going through the guardrail?  Thankfully, there were only minor injuries.  It could have been a lot worse.  Here's the link to the article:

We are anxiously awaiting the Holiday Fire Truck tonight.  Every year, our local fire department decorates a fire truck with lights and other holiday paraphernalia and drives all around bringing good cheer.  They blast Christmas carols and you can hear them coming before you see them.  I hope the snow doesn't keep them away!  It brings tears to my eyes every year.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

A true gift.

When I was pregnant with my son, I worked at the local department store in customer service. During the holiday season, I did a lot of gift wrapping.

One day a little boy, about the age of 10, came to the counter wanting a gift wrapped.  "It's for my mom," he said.  "Make sure and take off the prices, I don't want her to see how much I spent on her.  She would be upset that I spent my whole allowance."

I opened up the bag and found a hideously ugly, over-the-top, wouldn't-be-caught-dead-wearing, cubic zirconia necklace and a pair of Gold Toe socks.

"Could you wrap it in a big box so she won't guess what it is?"  the little guy asked.  I seriously doubted his mom would guess the necklace, but perhaps she would guess the socks, so I complied.

As I wrapped up the gift as fancy as I could with extra tissue and ribbon, I couldn't help but be touched by this little boy's gift.  This was a gift from the heart.  This is what Christmas is all of yourself to those you love.  

On Christmas day, I thought of the little boy and his mom.  I pictured her wearing the necklace with great pride.  I thought of the little baby inside of me and wondered if I would ever have a Gold Toe Socks and Necklace Christmas.  This year, I might.  My son, who is a terrible saver, told me he was buying me a very special gift.  "Mom, it's probably going to be the sweetest one under the tree."  It dawned on me.  He has no money, but he did receive a $5 gift card to the local candy store.  I bet I'm getting $5 worth of fudge.

I'll cherish every bite.  

May we all have a Holiday Season filled with heart felt love.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

RIP little Willie

It's been awhile since I last took me one week to prepare for Thanksgiving, one week to recover and now I'm full throttle into Christmas....

My son's hamster died yesterday.  Willie hadn't seemed quite right for awhile....very inactive, not eating much, etc.  So it wasn't a huge shock to find out that he died.  My son took the news very well and kept commenting on how mature he was acting.  "Mom, I'm very sad but I'm acting very mature, aren't I?"  I kept giving him hugs telling him it was alright to cry and it's okay to be sad. He said he was sad but that he knew "Willie will always be on a little wheel in my heart."

The day progressed and we went about other activities.  Last night we went to Oliver! and during the performance, my son leaned over to me and said:  "Mom, it just doesn't feel right. I'm having a fun time and then all of a sudden I remember about Willie and I get sad again.  The world feels differently now that Willie has died.  Mom, have you ever felt that way?  Is that how you felt about your mom?"  

On some level, he's right.  The pang you get in your stomach when you realize that someone you loved is no longer on earth, can only be described to someone else who has experienced loss. It's the universal feeling of mourning at a very basic level.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Pre-Thanksgiving Chores

We worked around the house this weekend getting ready for the big Turkey day.  My daughter was in charge of making place cards.  She worked really hard and I think they turned out lovely!  She did not make place cards for the additional nine people who will be joining us for dessert.  Keep in mind my house is rather small and a crowd of 30 will seem more like a crowd of 60.  Oh well!  That's what Thanksgiving is all about....I hope people remember that when the last available seat in the house is the toilet.  

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Stretched too thin.

I have been just crazy-busy...I almost feel like I am at a breaking point.  I am stretched so thin that I think if you look closely, you may, MAY be able to see through me.  (Unfortunately, this hasn't meant that I lost weight.)

I'll post more as I get my life under control.  Sad happenings:  my nine year old told me she no longer believes in Santa.  I just about cried.  Is the magic over?  I know Santa is not the "reason for the season", but the magic that comes along with Santa, is pretty incrediable.  I have a brother who is twelve years younger than me...and because of that for close to 22 years, I've been able to take part in the magic that Santa brings.  No longer do I need to write the letter from Santa using my left hand.  No more carrots need to be nibbled.  No more half-eaten cookies.  Although I am sure we will still do all of those traditions... a part of the magic will be gone.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Exhausted before I get there.

I am going away with my bookclub friends tomorrow.  Sounds like fun, right?  Well, it will be once I arrive.  Here's what I need to do before I leave:

1.  Wash and lay out soccer uniforms for Saturday am (including gear)
2.  Make sure the pets have a large enough stash of food.  If not, go purchase more.
3.  Wrap birthday gift for daughter's friend's party.
4.  Give detailed instructions to husband about when/where the party is.
5.  Remind husband about soccer pizza party, immediately following daughter's game.
6.  Find a ride for son to attend his soccer game.
7.  Stock the fridge with enough food, so they make healthy choices.
8.  Pack.

When my husband goes out of town, his list is like this:
1.  Pack.

In all fairness, I couldn't do the job my husband does, and I do truly appreciate all that he does for the family. But for once, I would like to be able to leave with out so much hassle.  I'm only going to be gone for less than 48 hours, but the preparation feels like much longer.

Stay tuned to Part II.....coming home to piles of laundry, messy house and empty fridge.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A sigh of relief.

I couldn't be more pleased with how the election turned out.  I thought John McCain was very gracious and Barack Obama's speech moved me to tears.  I am thrilled that my children were able to watch his speech.  What a powerful moment in history.  Of course, they were most excited about the new puppy for the White House.

I feel as if a huge weight has lifted from me.  I didn't realize how much election stress I was carrying around.  Now I feel like nesting.  I cleaned all the windows today.  I am making zucchini bread this afternoon.  I want to organize the mudroom.  All the things I've put on hold over the past few months, I can take care of....Life can resume.  We did it. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The fi-nal count down (do-do-do...did-a-dit-dit-do)

We are here.  November 4th has arrived.  There is an excited and nervous energy in the air.

I live where we have no choice, but to vote by mail.  This makes it fairly easy, but I miss the camaraderie of going to the polls and being with other fair-minded citizens.  I miss the "I voted" sticker.  The lines that I am hearing about in other areas of the country are truly amazing. Thank you to those of you who have stood in line.

My son keeps asking me what I am going to do if Barack Obama wins.  I think he is nervous at what my reaction will be.  "Mom, are you going to do what dad did when the Cardinals won the World Series?"  Um.  No.  I'm not running around the neighborhood in my underwear.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

An emotional wreck.

For the past couple of days, I have been on the verge of tears.  I lost it last night during Barack's commercial.  Not just tears, but big sobs.  I think what gets me most is to think "what if's" and the effect the "what if's" could have on my children's future.

Never in my life has an election caused me so much angst.  I heard a statistic that 8 out of 10 adults in America are experiencing high levels of stress due to the election and the economy.  I definitely fall in that category.  And did I just hear it correctly....people are worried the election will be stolen?  I'm sorry, can you remind me what country we live in again?  The junk that has surfaced to the top is stuff that movies are made of...

I've taken to lighting candles, listening to jazz (, taking deep breaths and the occasional glass of red wine.  November 4th can't come soon enough for me.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Those were the days....

While surfing the net yesterday AKA wasting time, I stumbled upon a blog with Sesame Street Clips.  One hour later, I emerged from the time warp.  Man, I love the Street.  I remember being as old as 7th grade, home sick from school, and watching Sesame Street.  Of course, back then, my parents hadn't sprung for cable so Sesame Street seemed better than the 700 Club.

My kids never had the love of Sesame Street like I did.  I chalk it up to too many choices.  It makes me sad though, I think they missed out on a lot.

Here is one of my favorite clips. It makes me a bit weepy.  I love the Alligator King's voice.
The other one I love is the "One, two, two little girls..." and they show two girls playing with a doll house and then two cats come in and mess up the house.  I remember always wanting little spoons like the ones they have.


Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm ba-ack!

No internet checking was really hard.  I actually had to log myself off of my computer because I knew I would be tempted to cheat.  You know, do a quick pass by the computer and "accidently" touch the mouse to wake up my screen, and oops!  Lookey there...I have e-mail.  "Since I'm here, I probably should check.  What if it's an emergency?"  Like my son got sick at school and all the phone lines just happened to go down.  What?  It could happen.

A good lesson though.  I truly accomplished a lot during my 4.5 hours.  

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Time sucker.

I think I need to pull the plug on my internet addiction.  Too much time is wasted surfing the internet, checking Facebook, checking Real Clear Politics, etc.   I swear if I took the time I've dedicated to the internet and instead did sit ups, my abs would be rock hard.  I am thus declaring today as NO INTERNET CHECKING UNTIL 4:00 pm day.  I know, I know....I don't know how I will do it for the next 4.5 hours.  Wish me luck.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Rough time.

My 8 year old is going through a rough patch with her best friend.  Suddenly M has become friends with K and is leaving my daughter out.  My heart aches for her, as her eyes well up with tears and she explains her time at recess.  Who knew parenting would be so emotional?  I think I feel her pain and then some!

She told me:  "Mom, you know how some people think you can tell their lives from their palms? Well, I think my life is right here."  (as she points to the rough edge of her hand)  "...I'm going through a rough part of my life.  But, see how it smoothes out later?  That's when it will be better."  

Monday, October 20, 2008


Wet laundry in the machine from yesterday.  House fully disorganized and bursting at the seams. Homework projects needing assistance.  Meal planning = cereal.  Cookies need to be baked for school.  Can you ________ (drive on a field trip, work a shift at school, bring oranges for soccer, come to a meeting, sew a costume, find a gift...)

It's endless and bringing me down.  I crave some simplicity in my life.  How did I let things get so out of control?  How do I pair it down?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Here Fishy, Fishy, Fishy....

My ten year old walks down the stairs.  He is fresh out of the shower, his hair is perfectly coifed, wearing his cool jeans and shirt.

10 year old:  "Good morning Mom!....Say, Mom, I've been meaning to tell you, that lately you have been looking really pretty."

[keep in mind that I haven't showered, have on zero make-up, my hair isn't brushed and I'm wearing work-out clothes]

Me:  "Gosh.  That sure is nice of you to say."

10 year old:  "Well, it's true."  (Meanwhile, he is checking out his reflection in the window.)

If he was anyone else,  I wouldn't take the bait.  But, he was being too darn adorable....I bit it hook, line and sinker.

Me:  "Well, let me tell you.  You are the most handsome boy I've ever seen."

GREAT BIG SMILE and a bonus hug.  

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Scariest costume of all.

My eight year old daughter is trying to figure out what to be for Halloween.  She thought of a mummy.  I suggested she dress like Sarah Palin.  She could do her hair in an up-do style, wear rectangular glasses and dress in a suit.  

Eight year old:  "I've never been something scary before...I think a mummy is scary."

[long pause]

Eight year old:  "But Sarah Palin is scarier."

Coffee almost spurted out of my mouth!  Out of the mouths of babes.....

Monday, September 29, 2008

Traveling oddities.

Have you ever really REALLY thought about how odd it is to fall asleep on an airplane next to a complete stranger?  It dawned on me the other day how outside of public transportation, falling asleep next to a stranger would be weird.  Sleep is personal and make us so vulnerable. Yet, I cannot stay awake on a plane.  As soon as they start going into the safety lesson, I'm out like a light.  Hopefully the passenger next to me doesn't become my pillow.

Have you ever had the privilege of sitting on a plane with a stranger who does nothing the entire trip, but stare straight ahead at the tray-back?  It's very disconcerting.  This scenario has happened to me a couple of times.  They don't sleep.  They don't read.  They don't even look around.  They stare at the lock mechanism on the tray.  For the entire trip.  It makes me squirm.  They must have better imaginations than I do.  

The ferry can be an interesting place to people watch.  People become quite oblivious about those around them.  I've seen people trim their finger nails and floss their teeth.  People also seem to think that just because my back is to them, means I cannot hear them.  Boy are they wrong.  I've heard crazy stories....stories that could be on soap-operas!  I'm just waiting for one day when I hear familiar names.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Amazing creations.

In the fall, my daughter's school holds a "Harvest Fair".  The idea behind it is to take surplus items from your garden and turn them into creations.  Over the years, it has morphed into adding other fruits, vegetables and food items.  Every year I am amazed at what the families create.  This was one of my favorites.  A penguin made out of an eggplant.

Good work, foreman.

We are getting new floors in a couple of weeks, and to save some big bucks, we agreed to remove the old flooring.  

Removing the ceramic tile was messy, but not difficult.  It was the layer of plywood that the tile was laying on that was a real chore.  The lazy people who lived here before us, laid down plywood everywhere (including under the cabinets).  Thank goodness for my father in law.  He saved the day!  We were able to rent a special saw and he was able to cut around the cabinets.  (The other option was to remove the cabinets, and I wasn't happy about that one...)

A huge thank you to Michael!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Scary dream.

My husband always makes fun of me when I tell him about a scary dream.  I admit, dreams are never as frightening when you relay them, versus experience them.

However, last night I had a whopper of a dream.  It wasn't your typical scary dream with someone chasing you.  It was more of an artistic freaky one.  Here it goes....

I saw myself lying (or is it laying?) down on my back, stretched out.  My eyes were closed and I got really near my face to see if I was breathing.  It dawned on me that it was impossible for me to view myself in that position, unless I was dead.  I quickly woke (or is it awoke?).

FREAKY!!!!  Not only a freaky dream, but embarrassing that I don't know the proper use of the verbs laid and wake.  Darn English language.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ummm....thanks, I guess?

I got my haircut today.  Nothing new, just a trim.  When my son got home from school today, I asked him: 
me:  "Do you notice anything different about me?"
son:   "You got your haircut?"
me:  "Yes.  How does it look?"
son:  "Actually, it makes you look younger....and like you have a lot less moles."

Wow!  I hate to think of what he thought of me before my haircut!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Green cleaning tip.

I can't take credit for this idea.  I got it out of a book.  However, every time I use it, I think "I must spread the word!"

So, here you go.  Instead of buying disposable cleaning wipes(that choke up landfills), make your own reusable ones.  I keep one jar in each bathroom and when I need a quick cleaning fix, wham-o!  Job done.  Here's how:  cut up old t-shirts in about 4-inch squares.  In an old glass jar, put 1/4 c. water, a couple of squirts of soap and some essential oils (if you have some).  Put the lid on and shake.  Then, add the cut up clothes.  Ta-da!  Pre-moistened cleaning cloths.  You may have to adjust the soap/water ratio.  If you use too much soap, you will have a soap-residue.  The beauty of all of this is that no chemicals are used so I just wash the dirty rags in the washing machine and add them back to the solution.

There ya go.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Grab-bag potential.

Call it mid-life crisis, but I'm having a "who-am-I -supposed-to-be"moment.  I feel like for the past 10 years, I have been going through the motions and haven't lived up to my potential.  I've been so focused on the kids, that I have lost sight of myself.  

The funny thing is, I'm afraid to see what my potential is.  One of my greatest fears is to be 80 and still going through the motions.  I think of my potential like a mystery grab-bag.  Maybe there is a diamond ring inside, but what if it's just a bunch of left over Halloween stickers and a spider ring?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

And they're off....

School started today.  The kids were both excited to head back....they nicely woke up and were in cheerful moods.  I give them two days.  By Friday, I'll be hearing complaints.  

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Last day of summer vacation.

The last day to sleep in.....the last day to not rush out the door....the last day of summer vacation. I told the kids they could each chose an activity to do with me and then we would finish our day with an ice cream cone.

My son chose to play tennis.  He has vastly improved since the last time I played with him.  We actually had a couple of really good volleys and he beat me four games to three (wink-wink).  My daughter chose to walk to the U-Pick flower farm.  We each picked beautiful boquetes of Dahlias.  

This summer flew by at record speed.  This is the first year that I'm not quite ready to put them on the bus in the morning.....

Ahh, who am  I fooling?  I will be dancing down the street. 

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Why to never name a store after your initials.

A friend of my son's purchased a really cool soccer jersey.  My son had clothing envy and decided to use his allowance money to buy the same jersey.  However, he couldn't remember if his friend bought the jersey at JC Maxx or TJ Penny.

My daughter scored big with a very cute sweater.  She wants to wear it on the first day of school, even if it's "100 degrees".

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


My son has made a new friend.  He invited his new friend to the pool.  On the way home here is how the conversation went:

"So, now that we've gone to the pool together, maybe next you can come to my house and play Wii."

"Cool.  We have Wii too.  You could come to my house."

"Yeah.  I could come to your house and then you could come to my house and once we get to know each other better, you could spend the night."

Ahh...visions of the the future when things aren't as simple as playing Wii and jumping off the diving board.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Dancin' machine.

After making a speedy recovery, my son quickly bonded with my brother's twenty-something friends. 

When we got back to the hotel, my son asked if boys could take dance lessons because "I want to improve on my moves."

Drive. Drive. Wedding. Drive. Drive.

Turns out mapquest was a bit off on it's prediction as to how long it would take us to drive to Wyoming.  Instead of 12 hours, it was more like 15...but when you are already into the teens, what's another hour or three?  While I wouldn't want to jump in the car and do it again right now, it turned out to be pretty pleasant.

Because of where we live compared to our relatives, we fly to see people, rather than road trip. Our kids haven't been on more than an three hour drive in years.  I had forgotten the pleasures of summer road trips, and hadn't realized there are great things my kids have not experienced.  Mirages.  Cows.  Field after field of bountiful crops.  And my favorite, the game of "Will you stop touching me?"

The wedding was magnificent and beautiful.  During the ceremony, however, I was a nervous wreck.  My son, the ring-bearer, began complaining right before the ceremony that his stomach hurt.  Now, most people would chalk it up to nerves.  However, being his mother and knowing my kid, I could tell it wasn't nerves.  He was about ready to loose it.  We told him he didn't have to do it, but he decided to go ahead.  Throughout the ceremony, I couldn't keep my eyes off him.  He kept swallowing and rubbing his head.  I pondered, if he turns and gets sick, what will he do?  He's feet away from the string quartet, the front row and the bride and groom.  I had bad visions of the puke scene in Stand By Me.  Luckily, he made it through with out incident and actually began to feel better.  

Congratulations to Peter and Holly.  They make a wonderful couple.  I am thrilled to have such a sweet sister-in-law.  It is a bit surreal to see my baby brother with a wedding ring!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The cruise director is taking the day off.

My kids have had a really nice summer so far...full of play-dates, trips, swimming, sleep-overs and an abundant of outdoor activities.  

I have shuttled them from place to place, continued to plan meals and grocery shop, have done laundry and scraped up the dead mice caracas that the cats so nicely bring us.  Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed the slower pace of summer.  I love not having to rush in the morning and pack lunches and get the kids out the door.  I have really enjoyed being with my kids.  They have reached a fun age where we can do lots of fun things.  However, I miss the "me" time I had during the school year.  Times when I could meet a friend for coffee or go for a nice long walk.

I am thus declaring today MY day.  The kids can make their own lunch...and perhaps their dinner. Even if that means all they have is a bowl of cereal.  They will survive.  They will have to entertain themselves and use their imagination.

I will go for a walk.  Sit outside and read a book.  Do what I want.  If they complain that they are bored, I will be happy to show them the shinny machines in the mud-room.  They work like magic.  You put dirty clothes in them and clean clothes come out!  

Monday, July 14, 2008

13 blissful years!

Today is our 13 year anniversary.  13 years. Amazing. We had a beautiful wedding, full of what you would expect.... flowers, food, cake, drinks, music, etc.... however the memory that stands out the most in my mind is that at the end of the night, Brian and I boarded the limo to take us to the hotel.  And surprise,  I was starving!  I had hardly eaten all night....never-mind the food we painstakingly picked out, we didn't get a chance to eat it!  So, when the Limo wisked us away, we made a short stop at the SUBWAY in downtown Kansas City.  The clearest thought of mine of my entire wedding was when I stayed in the limo and watched Brian order in Subway.  I thought "That is my husband.  THAT IS MY HUSBAND!"  He is ordering me a sub...and he is taking care of me.

Ever since then, whenever I have been afraid and in the doctor's office/hospital/kid's classroom/scary midnight sound/whatever....when I meet Brian's eyes, I know that we are in this together.  That is more important to me than anything.   That is how I know we are in this for the right reasons and that is how I know, without a doubt, that I love him.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

202.5 miles

I am so proud of my husband.  Yesterday he started at 4:45 am in Seattle and by 9:00 pm he reached Portland.   He has been training for months and months for this long ride.  I hope he feels a great sense of accomplishment.

Now that the ride and training are over, it would be nice if he started to mow the lawn again.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


My kids fight.  I think they fight way too much.  However, during the times that they are getting along it is pure bliss in our house.  

Two days ago we had one of those blissful days where they played together and enjoyed each other's company.  Later that evening, my daughter made my son a construction paper basket and filled it with sweet notes.  Here's a sampling of what she wrote:

~I love spending time with you!
~I love you and do you want to play with me later?
~I love you soo much and I love being with you.

and my favorite:  I love you soooooooooo (100,000 years later) oooooooooooo(forever) oooo much!

Ahhh.  Doesn't that just make your heart melt?

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Ode to Joy.

My eight year old had her first piano recital today.  I barely got the camera turned on before she was finished.  I apologize for the quality of the film, I was too far away.  She did a great job and was incredibly serious.

Other happenings in our household is that there was a coyote in our front yard.  It was about twenty feet away from our cat.  Luckily I saw it and ran yelling out of the house.  It took off at a high-rate of speed.  Now our cats are house-bound and are not happy about it.  Last night one of them peed by the back door.

Question:  Do you say "mow the lawn" or "cut the grass"?  I say the first, but most people around here say the second.  I suppose "cut the grass" is more accurate, since we don't really have a "lawn".  But then, we don't really have grass.  So I am going to start saying "cut the weeds" or "mow the moss".

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Still handsome....

Today my son woke up with a very tiny pimple on his temple.  Small.  So small you have to really look for it.

He said, "Oh man!  Now I 'm not handsome anymore."  

Perhaps I need to bring his ego back to earth and not tell him on a daily basis how cute he is.

My daughter is going through a "do-not-take-my-picture-phase" so I can't post a recent picture of her.  My son, however, looks at every event as a photo opportunity.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sweet murmurings.

2:43 am.

My 10-year old calls out:  "Mom??!"
Me (sound asleep):  "Yes?"
10-year old:  "Are you okay?"
Me:  "Yes, why?"
10-year old:  "Because I just love you so much."

Friday, May 16, 2008

Life of the Party

My husband has no problem entertaining himself.  He just received  a new blackberry with camera capabilities.  When he was away on business, my e-mail was flooded with pictures from his trip.  Here's my favorite.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Shots in the 'hood

I woke up this morning to gun shots.  Scary huh?  Upon further investigation I found out that a car and a deer collided and the police were putting the injured deer down.  It got me thinking how scary it would be to live in an area where guns shots are not for injured animals, but a fact of life. Awhile ago I read an article about a family living in a bad neighborhood in LA.  Every night the little girl went to sleep not in her bed, but in the bathtub to protect her from drive-by shootings. What about in Iraq?  Could you imagine hearing the constant gunfire?  Imagine not letting your kids go outside to play.  Being afraid to walk to the market?  Here I am worried about my children's plastic water bottles while there are mothers in other parts of the country and world who worry about life and death on an hour by hour basis.

I am truly thankful.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


May 1st is one of my favorite days of the year.  I love to deliver flowers to dear friends.  For those of you who aren't in my delivery radius, here's a flower for you!  Happy May Day!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Not the insult he intended.


So my 10-year old came home from school yesterday and reported that a fellow fourth grader made a rude remark to him. I asked my son how did he respond? My ten year old: "I told X: 'Oh yeah? Well, you have a big d*ck.'"

I didn't have the heart to tell him that his response may not be the insult that he intended. Instead, I told him that he shouldn't have said what he did and that it is never okay to make rude remarks about other people's bodies.  I did all of this without laughing, and trust me, that was very difficult!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Dreams shattered?

My 8 year old has been counting down the years until she can try out for American Idol. I informed her yesterday that I heard this season may be the last year of AI. Her eyes welled up in tears. In case the show is indeed cancelled, here is a sneak peak of what America might have missed. You may need to turn your sound up, as I was being sneaky filming her. This is her version of "You've had a bad day."

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Following in line.

Do you ever wonder WHY? Why do we feel like we need to live in the best school district? Why does my husband have to work 50+ hours a week? Why do I feel I have to a perfectly clean house (which I don't)? Why so much pressure? I often fantasize of moving my family to some remote spot and living off the land. I have never had a vegetable garden, but I think I would love it. I have never canned, but I CAN imagine that I would find great satisfaction out of it. So what if my kids aren't in the top district? Maybe they play in a "C" soccer league? Maybe having their father around more often would make up the difference. What will help my kids out the most in the long run? How do you teach a child daily responsibility? Isn't that our goal? Make each child accountable for their actions. Help them be independent. Be a good person. I don't want my children to become selfish or self-centered. You are complaining of being BORED? How do you think Laura Ingalls felt? She would be astonished at what you have. You're not receiving oranges in your Christmas stocking.

This isn't new for me. I have been pondering these questions for many years. Out of fear I don't act. How do I know what is right? If a fairy could grant me one wish, it would be to live a happy life in the country. My fear hinders me. So I will continue on this path ...until I muster enough guts to say "Enough is enough!"

Friday, April 4, 2008


We are back from our trip to Maui. We had a wonderful and relaxing time. The condo we rented was perfect for us...CLEAN, nice pool, pretty view of the ocean, and not too fancy that we couldn't drink Budweiser from cans pool-side.

We went Whale Watching and saw many pairs of moms and their babies. Brian and I enjoyed it way more than the kids.

We all tried snorkeling. The waves were pretty strong a couple of days. Perfect for playing in the waves, not so great for snorkeling. The snorkel mask made me feel claustrophobic. Brian had a close encounter with a sea turtle. The turtle swam up to him and got about three feet away. Brian had an underwater camera and was able to take some pictures, but he's worried his finger was over the lens.

We found a fun park with lots of low-branched trees. The kids (and I) thoroughly enjoyed climbing. I of course had to recite, "Hi! I'm Billy. I've been climbing trees all my life, but not trees near overhead lines. Because if you touch one of those lines, or your weight makes a branch touch a line...." For those of you who grew up in KC, you'll know what I'm talking about.

All in all, it was a great family vacation. I really enjoyed the laid back feel of Maui. We all thought it was fun how the locals would flash you the HANG LOOSE sign when you did something nice, like let them merge, etc. I definitely want to go back.


Sunday, March 23, 2008

A hard way to learn the truth.

Ever since 1979, Easter has been a bittersweet holiday for me. Yes, the Easter Bunny arrives bringing foil chocolate eggs and jelly beans, but the last time I saw my mom alive, was the night before Easter. She went into the hospital that night and because of hospital rules, I was never able to visit her and thus, I never saw her again. 29 years ago. 29 years and I still remember seeing her as she walked down my grandmother's hall, heading to the hospital. 29 years and I still remember how I called out and she stopped by the room where I had been sleeping. 29 years and I still remember jumping out of bed and running down the stairs to catch up with her, but was too late. 29 years and I still remember seeing the Easter baskets already laid out. 29 years, but I still remember how I felt in my little six year old mind. I had been told that the Easter Bunny only arrived once everyone in the house was asleep. My parents hadn't gone to sleep yet, this much I knew. Quite a hard way to learn the truth.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Shades of style.

Okay. Here's the 70's maroon picture. Go ahead and laugh. Even though I had the dress dry cleaned, I still smelled like a Grandmother's Basement. I tried to keep my distance from people.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Rite of passage.

Tonight was our school's auction and anniversary celebration. Every year the graduating class auctions off glass bowls with faces that the kids design. We were the fortunate winners of our son's class.

Since it was the school's anniversary, it was optional to dress in the decade of your choice. Brian and I chose to dress in the 70's during it's maroon period. If I have the guts, I'll publish a pic.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Music only a mom can love.

Recorder recital. Do I need to say more?

Monday, March 10, 2008

My brother the famous musician double.

My brother Ben, has an uncanny resemblance to the star in the movie ONCE, Glen Hansard. I was flipping through TV channels today and caught a music video from the movie and I got all teary. It was like I was seeing Ben. Of course, Ben is a lot more handsome.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

A sure sign of spring.

The days are getting longer. Daffodils are blooming. Birds are singing. However, nothing signals the sure sign of spring like the beginning of Little League season.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Sasquatch in the woods.

About two years ago my son became obsessed with Sasquatchs (aka Big Foot). He and his friends researched all about them and he became convinced that they were real. He stopped going outside by himself when he swore that he saw one run through our yard.

This weekend we went hiking. Look what we saw....what do you think?

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My little girl is getting all growned up.

My daughter is about to turn eight years old. Wow. Eight years already. Does that mean I can no longer call my extra weight "pregnancy weight?"

She is a lovely, passionate and smart little girl. She is incredibly responsible. I think she could babysit her older brother. I love how she always turns off the lights when she leaves her room. Even if she's just running to the bathroom and is coming right back. She turns them off every time.

She is very articulate. Whenever she is upset she always writes me notes and drops them down from upstairs. Last year in early summer we went swimming on a rather cloudy day. I didn't put sunscreen on her as much as I should have and her shoulders got a little pink. When we got home she went up to her room and wrote me a note. "Dear Mom, I'm mad at you. You should have known that the sun can travel through the clouds."

She also loves to write our whole family love notes. I have boxes and boxes of sweet notes from her. They are one of my most prized possession.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

It's the little things.

Sometimes I can get really down. I get the attitude that my life sucks and I tend to dwell on the negative things. I have really been trying to have a change of heart. My life is really good, in fact, it's great, and I need to focus on that. Yes, the dog tracks in mud, yes my kids leave their socks all over the house, but does that really mean my life sucks? I don't think so.

I have been trying to focus on the little things that make me happy instead of the little things that can ruin my day. I turned on the car radio the other day and a song I loved in high school (Fool in the Rain) had just started. I turned it up and opened the sun roof. Pure bliss.

My daughter loves to write little notes. "You are the best mom in the world. I love you infinity infinities." Precious.

My son, all on his own without any prompting from me, told his teacher: "Hey Mr. C, thanks for putting together a great Valentine's Day party. I know it was a lot of work but it was really fun. Thank you for doing it for the class." AWWW....

My husband surprised me and organized and labeled all the spices. I came home to a cabinet full of order. I was in awe and continue to be whenever I reach for the oregano.

A friend calls and we talk for an hour without even realizing it. She understands my worries, my thoughts and my humor. Bless her.

Thank you to those of you who contribute to all of my little things. Here's to the little things. They make the bigger things so much easier to handle.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Obama Fever

Brian was lucky enough to attend the Obama rally in Seattle. He rode his bike up to the event and was able to capture a great video of many of the people waiting in line (he estimates that the line was twice as long). The doors opened at 11:00 and it was filled to capacity at 11:20 (18,000+inside Key Arena) and about 3000 who weren't able to get in, but stayed outside anyway.

I attended the caucus yesterday. It was great to see so much support for Obama (where he overwhelmingly won). I was especially moved to see so many people in their 60's and above who were in support for Obama.

During the caucus I stood up in my precinct and said that ever since I turned 18 and was able to vote in Presidential Elections, there has always been a Clinton or Bush on the ticket and that it was time for a different slate of people to lead our country.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

A Wii Christmas

After asking for a Wii for months, we told the kids there was no way they would be getting one for Christmas.   Watch this clip to see their reaction.  I love how my daughter covers her ears. Pay close attention to the end.  My son almost sounds like he is weeping out of happiness.

I just realized I could post movies so that is why this is out of chronological order.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Have you ever seen such a sight in your life....

Okay, the mice problem continues to get worse.  The past two nights our sleep has been disturbed by the cats "playing" with the rodents.  I told Brian I really needed him to step up to the plate and tackle this problem, or we will need to pay big bucks to a professional.
I left to run some errands and when I returned, this was sitting on our kitchen counter.  A homemade mouse catcher.  Please note the detail work of the mini-steps for the mice to climb.  On the inside of the bucket is sunflower seeds and peanut butter to lure them.  Does anyone care to make a wager on how many mice this little baby will catch?

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Their prayers were answered.

This is the reason the NY Giants won the Super Bowl.  Twelve 10-year old boys came to my son's Super-Bowl Birthday party.  I think all of their energy created waves that reached the Giants in Arizona.

Interestingly enough, all their energy zapped my energy. 

Three blind mice, see how they run....
We seem to be having a mouse problem and our cats aren't pulling their fair share around here. I told Brian that it might be time to call in an exterminator.  His response was:  "It's almost the end of mouse season.  Our problem should be clearing up soon."

So when I am scrubbing out the cabinets and re-washing everything and finding mouse droppings, at least I can take comfort in the fact that the resident mice should be moving outside soon and will no longer be free-loading off our family.

My husband is so insightful.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Brought to you by....

I recently had a dream that I was at a wedding.  We were getting ready to recite the Lord's Prayer.  The minister told us:  "The Lord's Prayer is sponsored by AT&T."  What?  Is this a vision for our future?  Can you imagine..."Today's scripture reading is brought to you by  Gillette, for a smooth comfortable shave, chose Gillette."  

I hate how life has become so commercial, and this is coming from a person who majored in advertising in college.  I always cringe when I hear sports announcers plugging the sponsors.  I couldn't stand how advertised on the yard lines of college football games this year.  It's everywhere.  

Anyhoo, enough about that.  I did want you early readers to know that I am looking for sponsors of my blog.  I will give you a discounted rate since you have been with me from the beginning.  If you are interested, please contact me directly.

Have a coke and a smile day,

Friday, January 25, 2008

We haven't "Come along way, baby".

The other night at dinner we were giving each other riddles.  Brian asked the kids the riddle of:  "A son and a father are in a car accident.  The father dies.  The child is rushed to the hospital.  The doctor at the hospital says 'I can't operate on the boy.  He is my son.'  How can this be?"

I thought, "We live in such a progressive age.  The kids are going to answer this in a snap."  Was I ever wrong.  Here's a bit of the conversation:

10-year old:  "Actually the doctor was confused.  He was the Uncle."
Brian:  "No."
10-year old:  "It was God?  Because I am God's son?"
Brian:  "No."

This went on for awhile, with both children guessing.  Finally Brian revealed the answer that the doctor was the boy's mother.

At this point, my daughter turned to me and said:  "Mom, if she was a girl doctor, she would be called a nurse."

Honest to goodness she said that...she thought female doctors were called nurses.  I had to point out that she herself sees a female doctor and we call her "Doctor".  My oh my, I thought we had come so far.  Obviously there is still some work to be done.

Friday, January 18, 2008

My son turns 10 years old,  one week from today.  That basically means we have eight years until he is out on his own.   How does one prepare a child for the real world?  I think I will be a successful parent if  he manages to pay his electricity bill on time.  I  cannot ever imagine that happening.  Default payments or not, I sure do love him.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

This is my last entry as an "early- thirties" woman.  Tomorrow I join those of you in your "mid-thirties"...I hope it's fun.  Can I begin to drool again?

Sunday, January 13, 2008

My daughter always likes to be right and it can be quite a challenge to convince her otherwise when she is wrong.  This weekend one of her gerbils escaped and accidentally died. 

My 7-year old:  "I told Dad I thought it was dead.  He told me he thought it was sleeping.  This is one time I wish I was wrong."

She's breaking my heart...she's so sad.   

Friday, January 11, 2008

**UPDATE on our Tubing Experience***
Remember how our dog Lucy peed in the front seat of our car while we were playing in the snow??  My husband tried to remove the dirty sweat socks/melting rubber smell that her urine left behind to no avail.  We just had to pay $212.77 to have our car professionally detailed in order to remove the odor.  So much for saving money on not paying to tube.  It turned out our adventure was a costly one!

Here's a picture of the $200 per ounce urine maker.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Once we decided on our mountain adventure, we thought it would be nice to include our dog.  After playing (for free) in the parking lot, I jumped into the front seat for the ride home.  Now, just to let you know, it was cold out and I was prepared for the weather, I was wearing many layers.  Perhaps that is why it took me approximately TWO hours to realize I was sitting in DOG PEE!  Here is a picture, once I realized my lot.