Saturday, June 19, 2010

Down and out.

June hasn't been a very hot month (both figuratively and literally). For the past week I've been down and out with some sort of virus.

Whenever I am sick, a side effect for me is that I want others around me. No need to talk. No need to touch. Just to be present with me in my sickness. Honestly, that's one of the first signs I know that I am sick and not just tired. The kids were at school and Brian was at work, so these two stepped in and kept me company.

Here's to sweet animals. They somehow always know....maybe it's because I was warm and since I'm refusing to turn on the heat in June, they had no choice but to cuddle up with me.


Gberger said...

There is nothing like the sound of a cat purring beside you to bring comfort. I love that, and I hope you are feeling better soon!

heids said...

awwwww, what great companions! hope you feeling much better!!