Thursday, April 9, 2009

Together they make a masterpiece.

So, I'm a bit has been life and for some reason it's chosen to be in super-over-drive with turbo-injections.  

This is the class art work I "won" at our school's auction.  I just love it.  I had the good fortune of helping out in the classroom when they worked on the project.  Each child was give a square of "Starry Night" and then asked to reproduce it on a different piece of paper.  I walked around the classroom that day wondering how in the world it would ever turn out.....but it is just breath-taking beautiful.  It reminds me that when we stand alone we can be ordinary, but together we can be a work of art.  

1 comment:

Kate said...

It blows my mind how beautiful those turned out. Our class worked on..."In the garden" by ??? I can't remember his name right now. was just beautiful and you couldn't tell much difference between the original and the kids art. I'd like to attempt it myself!