Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Pneumonia still has a hold on me.

I just returned from the doctor for my post-pneumonia follow up.  Apparently, I still have a fever. I haven't been feeling feverish, but they took it twice and it said 99.6 (not really a fever in my book, but they acted concerned.  However, she stressed that I am no longer contagious).  The doctor said that I may begin to feel worse because the antibiotics stays in my system for 10 days and once it runs its course, I may feel rotten again.

The doctor was reading aloud what she was typing in my chart.  I found it funny.  "Patient seems well groomed and is speaking coherently.  Normal gait."  I knew I looked like death last week, but had no idea I looked ungroomed, and walked and spoke funny.  No wonder I received so many odd looks while waiting for my prescription at the pharmacy.  

It's weird where your mind wonders when you are really ill.  Last week I was pondering if I had to go to the hospital and if (for some reason) I had to go via ambulance, how would I get downstairs?  I had visions of the EMT's carrying me down on a stretcher.  My mind then jumped to:  "I hope they don't scratch the paint!"  Nice to see I have my priorities in line.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It sounds like you will enjoy some additional pampering when we get there next Wednesday. Hopefully, you will surprise the Doctor and get better without feeling worse again.