Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mind Boggling.

Does this ever happen to you? You have something on your mind (good or bad) and it seems like everywhere you go, every time you turn on the radio/tv, flip open a magazine, etc., you are reminded of what is on your mind. Is it because you are hyper-aware of the subject, or is the universe trying to get your attention?

Years ago when I had a miscarriage, it seemed like everything I saw or heard was about babies and miscarriages. When I was waiting for the results of my mole removal (on my skin, not my yard), all I saw was references to being "Sun Smart". Right now, I have something on my mind and I can't seem to escape the subject. Again, is it my awareness or something else? So let's do an experiment, if I put a random subject out there, say "Airplane Safety", how often do you come across that topic?

1 comment:

heids said...

This happens to me constantly! Sometimes it's almost creepy. I think the hyper-awareness thing sounds right.